Biology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Jobs Scope Salary

Biology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Jobs Scope Salary Guidelines with Courses, Admissions Information to Make and Choose Better Future in Life. The study of living things and how they interact with one another and their environment is known as biological science. It looks at the development, structure, and purpose of all living things. A biologist could research cellular structures under a microscope, tropical rain forest insects, human-affecting viruses, greenhouse plants, or zoo animals.

A profession in biology may need a great deal of incentive-oriented and passionate energy. It entails, to a large measure, making observations, evaluating data, and resolving issues. It deepens our comprehension of the natural environment in which we live and aids in addressing challenges of both personal and global importance, such as preserving a sustainable and abundant food supply and addressing environmental degradation and dangers to human health.

In research and development (R&D) organizations, many biologists work. The information acquired from basic research is used by biological scientists that engage in applied research or product development to create new medicines, therapies, and diagnostic tools for the medical field, boost crop yields, and create new biofuels. Typically, work is done in a lab or a field environment. Other biological science graduates maintain a botanical garden, create programs for food and drug testing, or work in management or administration.

Botany, the study of plants; zoology, the study of animals; and microbiology, the study of microorganisms, are some of the biological sciences that are categorized according to the type of organism being studied. Other biological sciences are categorized according to the extent and methods of the organisms being studied: The basic chemistry of life is investigated by biochemistry, the intricate interactions of systems of biological molecules are investigated by molecular biology, the physical and chemical processes of an organism’s tissues and organ systems are investigated by physiology, and the fundamental unit of life, the cell, is studied by cellular biology.

The pharmaceutical business, biotechnology, bio informatics, contract research, the food industry, water conservation, gene therapy, global warming, and the chemical industry are some of the main sectors for growth and employment.


Biology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Jobs Scope Salary

Biology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Jobs Scope Salary

Biology Career Opportunities in Pakistan

For certain non-research positions, a four-year specialized bachelor’s degree or a formal sixteen-year education may be adequate. Some graduates find employment as biology lecturers, lab workers, or research assistants. With a biology bachelor’s degree, many people enroll in schools for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or other health professions.

For roles in independent research, industry research, college/university teaching, and administration, a Ph.D. in biology or one of its specialized fields is required. For some positions like product development, management, or inspection, a master’s degree is adequate. In addition to the chemistry and biology classes that are necessary, undergraduate students often take some computer courses. Learning how to operate some laboratory equipment, model and simulate biological processes, and conduct research in the developing field of bioinformatics are all advantages of taking computer courses.

A four-year bachelor’s degree in bioinformatics is also now being offered by several universities in Pakistan. Doctoral degree graduates may encounter competition for opportunities in fundamental research, but after gaining some experience, they easily win better positions. Bachelor’s and master’s degree holders have additional options for non-scientist professions in the biology field.


Admission Requirements




MS/ M.Phill (if BS/M.Sc.)


2 Years

2 Years

4 Years

2 Years

3-5 Years

  • FSc. Pre-medical
  • Equivalence if other than FSc (A’Level etc…)
  • Entry Test for BS

Qualities Required

Job Opportunities

  • Curious
  • Observant
  • Precise
  • Analytical/ able to Analyze
  • Patience and self-discipline to conduct long and detailed research projects.
  • Those doing field research in remote areas must have physical stamina.
  • Should be able to work independently or as part of a team and
  • Be able to communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
  • Strong business and communication skills for administrative positions
  • Graduates find employment in academic teaching and research, industrial research in the food and feed industries, in laboratory research programs with governmental and Multinational companies, and in industrial management positions.
  • Government Department of Agriculture
  • Private Pesticide Companies
  • Seed Cooperation of Pakistan
  • Fertilizer Companies
  • Progressive Farms
  • Soil Testing Laboratories
  • Tissue Culture Laboratories
  • Genetic Engineering Laboratories
  • Private Farming
  • Agri-Based Industries in Pakistan and Abroad
  • Universities
  • Private & Public Consultancies
  • Most Biological scientists need at least a master’s degree to work in basic or applied research, whereas a bachelor’s degree is sufficient for some jobs in product development.

The study of life and living things, including its physical makeup, chemical composition, molecular interactions, physiological activities, development, and evolution, is known as biology.

How to become a biologist?

For certain non-research positions, a four-year specialized bachelor’s degree or a formal sixteen-year education may be adequate. Some graduates find employment as biology lecturers, lab workers, or research assistants. With a biology bachelor’s degree, many people enroll in schools for medicine, dentistry, veterinary medicine, or other health professions. For roles in independent research, industry research, college/university teaching, and administration, a Ph.D. in biology or one of its specialized fields is required. For some positions like product development, management, or inspection, a master’s degree is adequate.

What do Biologists do?

  • In order to better understand how plants, animals, and ecosystems work and interact with one another and the environment, researchers investigate, name, categorize, and observe them.
  • collecting data that might lead to new understandings of animals or ecosystems, such as samples, measurements, photographs, sketches, and other data.
  • learning more about the diets, behaviors, and environmental consequences of animals via observation.
  • keeping accurate, thorough records of research or findings.
  • writing papers, delivering lectures to students, exchanging observations, and talking about things like pest control methods, other activities, or situations that could have an impact on the environment.
  • Directing research teams and ensuring efficient task and resource distribution
  • Reporting findings and making financing and project requests

Universities offer Biology in Pakistan

Some of the top universities offering biology in Pakistan are:

  • The Aga Khan University
  • Punjab University
  • University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences
  • International Islamic University
  • Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Quaid e Azam University

Biological Scope in Pakistan

In Pakistan, biology is actually very popular and has a wide range of applications. Not just in Pakistan, but all throughout the world, biology has a wide range of applications. Worldwide demand for professionals in the subject of biology is enormous, and this has resulted in a sizable employment market.

A degree in biology is seen as being adaptable. Students with a biology degree can find excellent employment both in the public and commercial sectors. As a result, Pakistan’s biological landscape is both broad and diversified. For all students who are enthusiastic about and interested in nature, a biology degree is appropriate.

Biology Salary in Pakistan

An average pay for a biologist in Pakistan is 1,967,000 PKR per year, with the lowest average salary being about 1,004,500 PKR and the highest average salary being 3,035,200 PKR.

These are the typical earnings in Pakistan for biologists, and they also cover perks like housing and transportation. A biologist could also make more or less money than the aforementioned average earnings.

The amount you get paid as a biologist will greatly depend on your experience, region, talents, and gender.

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About the Author: taryy malik

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