Mining Engineering Career in Pakistan Scope and Job Opportunities

A Mining Engineering Career in Pakistan offers exciting opportunities in mineral resource extraction, sustainable development, and environmental management within the country’s diverse geological landscape. Mining engineering is an engineering field that uses science and technology to mine minerals out of the ground. Mining engineering is linked to various other disciplines, including mineral processing, geology, Geo technical engineering, metallurgy, and surveying.

Mining engineering is mining mineral substances from the earth. The mining field is a broad subject that encompasses many other engineering fields that deal with extracting and processing minerals extracted from the ground, including mineral processing, geology, and metallurgical engineering. In the role of a mining engineer, you’ll oversee the safety and efficiency of the development of mines and other underground and surface operations. The job requires a thorough understanding of the impact the structures have on their environment, with technical understanding and management abilities.


You’ll be involved in all phases of a construction project. Before the site is created, you’ll determine its feasibility and help design the structure of the mine. You’ll also oversee mining processes and be involved in the closure and rehabilitation processes. It consists in estimating mineral resources and planning and developing open pit and underground mines that contain non-metallic and metallic minerals like Coal, Copper, Iron China-clay, Granites, etc.

Importance of Mining Engineering in Pakistan:

A key factor in Pakistan’s economic success is mining engineering. The nation has enormous resource reserves, including those for coal, copper, gold, chromite, and gemstones. The nation’s economy, the generation of jobs, and foreign exchange profits may all benefit considerably from the ethical and effective extraction of these resources.

Mining Engineering Career in Pakistan Scope and Job Opportunities

Mining Engineering Career in Pakistan Scope and Job Opportunities

Duties of Mining Engineers

As a mining engineer, your work will generally include:

  • Assessing the commercial viability of new mining ventures
  • Conducting feasibility studies
  • Modeling or designing potential mine sites
  • Making plans for mines, for example, underground tunnels or shafts
  • Utilizing special software that can help plan software
  • Managing major construction projects and making sure that operations are running without issue
  • Monitoring underground activities
  • Monitoring the work of staff members, whether within a specific site section or across an entire mine
  • Ensuring the security of mining equipment as well as reviewing the supply of equipment used in mining
  • Establishing extraction systems for extraction
  • Supervising the health and safety of the premises, in particular concerning ventilation issues.
  • Plan for the transition from underground to surface mining operations
  • Offering advice and consultation regarding mineral extraction and mining projects.
  • Filling in disused mine shafts
  • Reclaiming mine sites
  • Managing budgets for the month and keeping meticulous documents.

Scope of Mining Engineering in Pakistan

Mining Engineering has good potential in Pakistan. It’s a vast field. As the world’s resources are being consumed at an alarming rate, the necessity of finding more mining sites is growing. Students are motivated to look into possibilities in this exciting and fundamental engineering field to ensure that their future is bright. A list of the job fields of Mining engineering can be found below.

Qualification and Skills Requirements

A bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution specializing in Mining Engineering can be all you need. Mining engineering master’s degrees are usually two-year degrees with minimum marks of 60% at the Senior Secondary and Higher Secondary level (10th and 12th). Minimum 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics at the Senior Secondary level (12th) is necessary. Additionally am required to possess strong problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate effectively. Mining Engineers should be able to see 3-dimensional objects using 2-dimensional sketches.

You can also get an academic degree in any of the following fields:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Geology
  • Mining and quarry engineering
  • Mineral surveying
  • Mineral engineering and mining.

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics, Physical Science

Subjects to be considered: Engineering and Graphic Design

Engineering graduates typically begin their careers under the guidance of mining engineers with experience and become more responsible as they progress in their expertise. Specific engineers who have experience and further training are promoted to the management or administration. Many of the top executives in business started working in engineering.

The essential skills needed by mining engineers include confidence, problem-solving, analytical abilities, independence, excellent technical skills, teamwork abilities, managerial skills, and IT abilities.

  • Capable of seeing objects in three dimensions
  • Fitness and good health
  • Have a solid mathematical and scientific capability
  • Curious
  • Be creative and show an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Self-confident and responsible
  • Skills for organizing
  • Capable of gaining respect
  • Maintain a calm mind and be in control of any situation.
  • Writing and speech skills

Mining Engineering Subjects in Pakistan

The following are the main disciplines that most universities in Pakistan offer.

  1. Introduction to Mining Engineering
  2. Solution Mining
  3. Coal Technology
  4. Mine Hazards and Safety
  5. Mineral Processing
  6. Environmental Aspects of Mining
  7. Explosive Engineering
  8. Surface Mine Design
  9. Underground Design
  10. Ground Control Engineering
  11. Calculus & Analytic Geometry
  12. Physical and Chemical Industry
  13. Applied Geology
  14. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  15. Mining Law
  16. Engineering Economics
  17. Mine Ventilation
  18. Rock Machines
  19. Mine Power Drainage & Material Engineering
  20. Numeral Analysis
  21. Thermodynamics

Qualification and Skills Requirements

A bachelor’s degree from a recognized institution specializing in Mining Engineering can be all you need. Mining engineering master’s degrees are usually two-year degrees with minimum marks of 60% at the Senior Secondary and Higher Secondary level (10th and 12th). Minimum 60% marks in Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics at the Senior Secondary level (12th) is necessary. Additionally am required to possess strong problem-solving skills and the ability to communicate effectively. Mining Engineers should be able to see 3-dimensional objects using 2-dimensional sketches.

You can also get an academic degree in any of the following fields:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Geology
  • Mining and quarry engineering
  • Mineral surveying
  • Mineral engineering and mining.

Compulsory Subjects: Mathematics, Physical Science

Subjects to be considered: Engineering and Graphic Design

Engineering graduates typically begin their careers under the guidance of mining engineers with experience and become more responsible as they progress in their expertise. Specific engineers who have experience and further training are promoted to the management or administration. Many of the top executives in business started working in engineering.

The essential skills needed by mining engineers include confidence, problem-solving, analytical abilities, independence, excellent technical skills, teamwork abilities, managerial skills, and IT abilities.

  • Capable of seeing objects in three dimensions
  • Fitness and good health
  • Have a solid mathematical and scientific capability
  • Curious
  • Be creative and show an entrepreneurial spirit.
  • Self-confident and responsible
  • Skills for organizing
  • Capable of gaining respect
  • Maintain a calm mind and be in control of any situation.
  • Writing and speech skills

Mining Engineering Subjects in Pakistan

The following are the main disciplines that most universities in Pakistan offer.

  1. Introduction to Mining Engineering
  2. Solution Mining
  3. Coal Technology
  4. Mine Hazards and Safety
  5. Mineral Processing
  6. Environmental Aspects of Mining
  7. Explosive Engineering
  8. Surface Mine Design
  9. Underground Design
  10. Ground Control Engineering
  11. Calculus & Analytic Geometry
  12. Physical and Chemical Industry
  13. Applied Geology
  14. Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering
  15. Mining Law
  16. Engineering Economics
  17. Mine Ventilation
  18. Rock Machines
  19. Mine Power Drainage & Material Engineering
  20. Numeral Analysis
  21. Thermodynamics 

Job Opportunities

  • Miners and refiners of metallics such as copper and aluminum;
  • Mineral Department
  • Engineering Colleges & Universities
  • Surveying & Research Companies
  • Engineering & Scientific Journals
  • Poly-technical Colleges
  • Consultant Companies
  • Mining sector
  • Plants that produce Atomic energy (Uranium extraction and Enrichment)

An engineer who is beginning in mining requires a bachelor’s degree in engineering, and a professional engineer must have authorization. Get a high school diploma, which includes the prerequisites for engineering schools. Alongside four years of English and physics, you must also take math, biology, chemistry, and biology.

Mining Engineering Career

Within the more conventional mining engineer position, the career progression tends to follow the following path (with advancement occurring approximately once every 2 to 3 years):

  • Junior mining engineer
  • Mine planning engineer
  • Senior mining engineer
  • Mine Supervisor
  • Resident manager.

Generally speaking, the more prominent mining firms offer the most structured training programs for employees and provide many opportunities to advance.

Related Fields of Mining Engineering

Many fields are connected with Mining Engineering. If you are unable to find an institution near you that offers metallurgical engineering, you can apply for admission to the following areas:

  • Chemical Engineering
  • Materials Engineering
  • Geography
  • Geology
  • Mineral Processing
  • Metallurgical Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Mineral Process Engineering

Mining engineering is an engineering field that uses technology and science to extract minerals out of the ground. Mining engineering is linked to numerous other disciplines, like mineral processing, geology, geotechnical engineering, metallurgy, and surveying.

Mining engineering careers in Pakistan are becoming increasingly important as there is a growing demand for technological advancement and secure mining. It doesn’t matter if it’s a mountain or desert, at the ocean, or across Pakistan. There are likely mining engineers employed in all these locations working on mining projects. Learn about the various aspects of mining engineering, from exploration to production and the closure of mines.

Challenges and Future Prospects:

Although mining engineering in Pakistan has bright employment opportunities, it also confronts a number of difficulties:

Infrastructure and technology: In order to increase productivity, efficiency, and safety standards in Pakistan’s mining sector, major investments must be made in infrastructure development, new machinery, and technology.
Environmental Sustainability: Environmental protection and sustainable mining methods are major issues. It is difficult to strike a balance between economic growth and environmental protection; to do so, strong legislation, awareness campaigns, and creative solutions are needed.

Infrastructure and technology: To boost productivity, safety, and efficiency in Pakistan’s mining sector, considerable investments must be made in infrastructure expansion, new machinery, and technology.
Environmental Sustainability: Protecting the environment and using sustainable mining methods are important issues. The difficulty of balancing economic growth with environmental preservation calls for creative solutions, strong laws, and educational initiatives.

Mining Engineering Salary in Pakistan:

The best paid jobs in Pakistan are those in mining engineering. The compensation for a mining engineer might vary from one company to another. The starting salary for a mining engineer is between PKR 300,000 and PKR 500,000 per month. The monthly salary for a senior or experienced mining engineer ranges from PKR 500,000 to 800,000. Without a question, this is a worthwhile professional path that will ultimately lead to success.

Universities Offering Mining Engineering in Pakistan:

Many universities in Pakistan provide mining engineering programmes. Below are some of the names of these universities in more depth.

  1. Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences
  2. Mehran University
  3. Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Science and Technology
  4. University of Engineering and Technology
  5. National University of Science and Technology
  6. The Punjab University



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About the Author: taryy malik

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