Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan Degrees Subjects Literature Scope

Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan Degree Subjects Literature Scope Opportunities Requirements salary unique courses guideline for Man, Woman, (Male, Female), along with exam pattern selection method qualification full information to start and choose Chemistry profession in Pakistan for better future in Life. chemistry career in Pakistan.

In the past, chemistry was practiced by people who were regarded to be magicians due to the fact that the primary goal of life was to transform base metals into gold. In essence, the dispelling of this misconception was the impetus for further movement in the discipline of chemistry. Many previously unknown occurrences were uncovered by the chemists as they carried out their investigations. It is generally agreed that the famous Muslim scientist Jabir ibn Hayyan was the one who founded the field of chemistry.

Muslim scientists set the groundwork for what is now known as natural science; we are happy that this aspect of our legacy was contributed by Muslim researchers. The study of the composition, structure, and characteristics of matter (including elements, mixtures, and compounds) is the focus of the scientific discipline known as chemistry, which is one of the fundamental sciences.

The other natural disciplines, such as physics, botany, zoology, and geology, are all connected to one another through chemistry, which acts as a connecting medium. Because of this, it is also referred to as the fundamental science. In the world that we live in, chemical goods and mixes of various components are commonplace. Not just the substances that make up our planet, but also everything else in the cosmos, are made up of organic and inorganic chemical byproducts. Some of the substances are naturally occurring, while others are naturally occurring as well.


Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan Degrees Subjects Literature Scope

Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan Degrees Subjects Literature Scope Opportunities Requirements

Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan 

Who Should Study Chemistry?

  • Who want to open unlimited doors of employment for him.
  • Who have a curious nature.
  • Who love quest of experimentation and research.
  • Who have ability to think critically and logically.
  • A person with the abilities of abstract thinking, concentration, judgment and and excellent decision making can easily excel in this field. Same is the case with creative minded and person with critical thinking ability.

Degrees and Career & Scope:

  • A Chemist can get job in numerous industries. He may also start his own business. Here are some most recommended areas for your job and business.
  • Chemical Factories
  • Sugar Industry
  • Plastic industry
  • Glass Factories
  • Quality Testing Labs
  • Cement Industry
  • Home Tutor
  • Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Seed and Fertilizer Industry
  • Ceramic Industry
  • Scientific Writer
  • Chemical Weapon Factories
  • Food Processing Industry
  • Beverages Factories
  • Petrochemical Industry
  • Research Labs
  • Science Journalism
  • Forensic Laboratories
  • Schools, Colleges and Universities
  • Mining Field

Because of the high demand across a wide range of businesses, people with master’s degrees in chemistry almost never find themselves without work. In the government sector, individuals with a master’s degree in this area are eligible for the wage and benefits of the 17th grade.If you are interested in a career in teaching, you should get a master’s degree, a doctorate, or both.

Since Chemical Engineering is nothing more than an application of Chemistry, those with a Master’s Degree should also study the textbooks of Chemical Engineering; doing so will prepare them for employment interviews in a variety of different businesses. Believe me when I say that there is nothing challenging for you to learn in these books about chemical engineering.

Jobs, Work:

  • In the laboratory, he is responsible for maintaining the apparatus and the chemicals. He ensures that the instruments are in a functional condition and is able to solve any issues that arise with them.
  • As a scientist, he works on finding solutions to the challenges that are encountered by a variety of chemical businesses.
  • In addition to that, he looks for unconventional solutions, which is one of the skills that enables him to create new items.
  • He is a druggist, thus as part of his job he also does research on new drugs.
    In addition to that, he works as a quality assurance officer in several pharmaceutical and chemical manufacturing facilities.
  • As an advisor, he directs the chemical manufacturing facilities and pharmaceutical firms in the methods for conducting tests that analyze the constituents and physical characteristics of various materials.
  • Taking samples from private companies and bringing them to government labs for quality control is one of the duties of government officers.
  • As the internal quality control officer, he is responsible for monitoring both the automated and manual procedures that ensure the correct amount of product is produced. In addition to this, he collects samples of both the raw materials and the final goods in order to satisfy the requirements of the regulatory bodies.
  • As a researcher, he works on creating new items, instruments, formulations, processes, and chemical procedures as well as improving existing ones and customizing them.
  • As a production influencer, he is responsible for ensuring that the procedures are both efficient and of high quality.
  • As a teacher, he works hard to bring out his pupils’ latent potential and develop their innate skills.

Areas of Specializations & Branches of Chemistry

There are a wide variety of subfields and subdisciplines within the field of chemistry. Only those areas of expertise that have a significant amount of potential in the market will be discussed here.

  • Analytical chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Biochemistry
  • Mechanochemistry
  • Molecular biology
  • Molecular mechanics
  • Nanotechnology
  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Materials chemistry
  • Agrochemistry
  • Astrochemistry
  • Atmospheric chemistry
  • Chemical engineering
  • Chemical biology
  • Chemo-informatics
  • Electrochemistry
  • Femtochemistry
  • Geochemistry
  • Histochemistry
  • Immunochemistry
  • Materials science
  • Oenology
  • Petrochemistry
  • Pharmacology
  • Theoretical chemistry
  • Nuclear chemistry
  • Neurochemistry
  • Photochemistry
  • Phytochemistry
  • Radiochemistry
  • Sonochemistry
  • Thermochemistry

Even though chemists receive extensive training in safe handling procedures, the substances they work with nevertheless pose a risk to their health. According to a story that appeared in the magazine “Nature” in 2006, explosions and unintentional poisonings in chemical labs have been known to cause severe damage such as blindness and even death.

Universities Offer Chemistry Degree In Pakistan:

In Pakistan, there is a long list of universities that provide Bachelor of Science degrees in Chemistry. We are going to provide you with a list of all of the educational institutions that are the most reputable in regard to this study program. Simply clicking on the name of any college or university will allow you to investigate its location, tuition rates, and other information.

  • Lahore’s Government College and University
  • The College of Kinnaird for Women
  • University of Lahore for Women (Lahore College)
  • Garrison University Lahore University University of Education University of Punjab Forman Christian College
  • Hajvery University University of Lahore Garrison University
  • Minhaj University of Management Sciences Lahore University of Management Sciences
  • Lahore University, sometimes known simply as LU.
  • Central Punjab University of Management and Technology University of the Central Punjab University
  • College for Women Run By the Government
  • Civil Lines Separate The Government College Of Science From The Government Islamia College
  • Cooper Road is the location of the Government Islamia Post Graduate College for Women.
  • M.A.O. College of the Government Government Postgraduate College for Women

Chemistry Degree Salary In Pakistan:

Not just in Pakistan, but also in the vast majority of other nations throughout the world, chemistry is considered to be one of the most lucrative professions to work in. The chemist receives a hefty BS chemistry income not only in Pakistan, but also in the majority of other nations throughout the world. You can make a good living in many different subfields and areas of chemistry, and there are many of them. In Pakistan, a person with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry degree might make between 40,000 and 120,000 rupees per month.

If you want to have a successful career in the field of chemistry, you need to choose chemistry as your professional career line. Chemistry also merges into a great number of branches and specializations within this subject, some of which are listed below; additionally, you can specialize in any of the branches of chemistry that are listed below.

  • Chemistry that involves analysis
  • The Field of Physical Chemistry
  • The Study of Organic Chemistry
  • Chemistry and Biology
  • Chemistry of Inorganic Substances
  • The use of nanotechnology
  • Biology on a Molecular Scale
  • Engineering of Chemical Substances
  • The Chemistry of Biology
  • The study of histology
  • The thermochemical process
  • Pharmacy or Pharmacology
  • The science of geochemistry
  • Immunochemistry / immunochemistry
  • Chemistry of Electrons
  • Chemistry and computer science, etc.

FAQs About Chemistry Programs Jobs Career in Pakistan

What job can a chemistry student do?

21% of chemistry graduates are now employed in professional roles related to the natural and social sciences. Other significant positions include those in the fields of science, engineering, and manufacturing; education; finance; information technology; business; research and administration; quality control; and regulatory and quality assurance specialists.

Is chemist a good career?

Opportunities for employment may be found in many different types of settings for chemists. The majority of chemists are employed in the laboratories of academic institutions or research centers. Other chemists could find work at manufacturing facilities, pharmaceutical firms, government agencies, or product development companies, among other possible areas of employment.

What is the future of chemists?

It is expected that the chemical sciences will be required more frequently in the future to handle problems associated with energy and climate change, the production of food, and the maintenance of clean water. There is a possibility that chemistry will play an expanded role in biochemistry and the pharmaceutical sector, in addition to playing an important part in the upkeep and growth of infrastructure.

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About the Author: taryy malik

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