Zoology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Scope Jobs Salary Requirements

Opportunities for Zoology Careers in Pakistan: Scope, Jobs, and Salary Review of education including admittance guidelines, professional experience programs, training schedules, and salary information to help choose and launch a career in zoology. The scientific study of animals is known as zoology. Animal anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, genetics, evolution, ecology, behavior, and conservation may all be included in this field of study.

The study of animals is known as zoology. It involves watching animals in both the lab and in their wild environments. Zoologists research the evolution of animal species, animal behaviors and behavior, and the interactions of animals with their surroundings. Additionally, they study how animal illnesses spread. It covers the study of a wide range of species, including deadly sharks, elephants, and kangaroos.


Nature of Work Foresters 

  • Learn all there is to know about animals, including their physiology, genetics, interactions, and structure.
  • Examine all facets of animal existence while researching both basic and advanced processes.
  • Examine how the environment affects animals.
  • Plan and carry out experimental research with live animals in a lab or a natural setting.
  • oversee the feeding, housing, and care of zoo animals while collaborating with curators and zoo directors to decide how to contain animals, preserve ecosystems, and run facilities.
  • Organize prevention initiatives to stop the spread of wildlife illnesses.
  • The people who operate in zoos are in charge of getting animals for the zoos by breeding, buying from other zoos, or sporadically taking them out of their natural environment.
  • Animal and wildlife educators provide educational resources that aid visitors in understanding the species while working in sanctuaries, museums, or aquariums.
  • Animals who are injured or unwell are treated by wildlife rehabilitators before being released back into the wild.
  • Trainers in animal behavior help zoo staff members engage with and properly care for the animals.

Zoology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Scope Jobs Salary Requirements

Zoology Career Opportunities in Pakistan Scope Jobs Salary Requirements

Zoology Career Opportunities in Pakistan 

Similar to other professions, zoologists use a wide range of scientific tools while working both in labs and outside in the field. Some zoologists carry out fieldwork in severe environments and distant regions, which may include demanding physical labor and uncomfortable living arrangements.
Various factors influence zoologists’ working environments. Some zoologists spend a lot of time working in pristine, well-lit labs with all the necessary tools.

Others carry out their business outside while admiring the fauna and maybe using improvised tools. A large portion of zoologists’ time is spent in offices and classrooms. They typically have flexible hours. Animal biology, sometimes known as zoology, is the area of biology that focuses on the study of the animal kingdom. It includes the study of the anatomy, embryology, evolution, categorization, behaviors, and distribution of all living and extinct animals as well as how they interact with their environments.


While some zoologists focus on certain organ systems, others investigate the creatures as a whole. A zoologist, for instance, may study a cat’s general anatomy or only the tiny cells in its brain. A single animal, such as an insect, may be the subject of some studies while others focus on the behavior of whole insect colonies, bird flocks, or lion families.


Admission Requirements




MS/ M.Phill (if BS/M.Sc.)


2 Years

2 Years

4 Years

2 Years

3-5 Years

  • FSc. Pre-medical
  • Equivalence if other than FSc (A’Level etc…)
  • Entry Test for BS

Qualities Required

Job Opportunities

  • Critical thinking and independent investigation
  • Observation and data collection
  • Communicating Skills
  • Working for extended periods of time
  • Physical fitness
  • Zoo parks
  • Sanctuaries
  • Wildlife or Safari Parks
  • Government agencies for wildlife protection
  • Medical research
  • Government programs,
  • Public policy for environmental awareness
  • Conservation management

Zoologists examine anything from single-celled creatures to the behavior of large groups of animals; it’s a tremendously diverse science. Some zoologists focus on an animal’s biology, while others investigate the structure and metabolic processes of animal bodies.

Zoology Salary in Pakistan

In Pakistan, a zoologist can expect to earn PKR 320,604 year, or PKR 26,717 per month. Most experienced professionals can earn up to PKR 120,000 per month, while entry-level roles start at PKR 26,000.

Career Guidance for Zoologists

We heartily advise professionals to acquire a zoology degree. You might have a varied and fascinating career. Working with animals is an opportunity. You also have a significant role to perform in life. Animals require aid. They require experts. Animal care is an honorable career. The tasks are plentiful as well, as you will see below. Exceptional compensation packages as compared to other medical specialties.

The Career Prospects Of Zoology

Herpetologists in zoology study reptiles and amphibians such as crocodiles, snakes, and frogs.

  • A parasitologist studies how parasites affect, prey upon, and kill their hosts.
  • A paleobiologist studies fossil remains to learn about how they preserve a record of past life in the form of minerals, the origins of animals, and their structure.
  • A taxonomist names, classifies, and divides animals into several groups according to their genetic and morphological similarity.
  • Physiologist: Physiologists are scientists who focus on the anatomy, physiology, and organ systems of animals.
  • Ecologist: One who studies the relationships between species and how human activity impacts those relationships.

Scope of Zoology in Pakistan

Do you have a fascination with animals? Do you think animals have a significant role in society? Do you find conducting animal studies to be interesting? Do you possess the capacity to comprehend animals? If so, you should certainly seek a zoology degree.

Departments dedicated to animal research are emerging. There is access to the most modern animal care equipment. The dairy sector is one illustration of this. A large portion of dairy products are consumed in Pakistan. Therefore, it is crucial for anyone working in the dairy sector to understand the animals. There are now several large-scale industries. To comprehend animals and their habits, they employ zoologists.

Another business in Pakistan that is expanding is poultry farming. Cattle and fish farming are both farming. These fields all require zoologists. In Pakistan, the study of botany is expanding together with that of zoology. To maintain animal life, all animal businesses need top-notch zoologists and botanists.

Pakistan is a country where people consume meat and animals. Zoologists are therefore required in both industry and laboratories.

Pakistan Jobs for Zoology Graduates

In Pakistan, what can I do with a BS in zoology? There are several fields where zoologists are needed. The following is a list of the top industries that hire zoology graduates:

  • Animal parks
  • Wildlife diaries
  • Farms that raise cattle or fish
  • Study facilities
  • Chicken farms
  • Parks, national
  • Colleges and Universities

An education in zoology provides access to several opportunities. The majority of graduates usually go into research. Or they work as medical assistants and enter the field. Fresh graduates are hired by research laboratories to work as lab assistants.

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About the Author: taryy malik

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